Friday, May 6, 2011

Bath Time for the Lovies!

I've got some blog catching up to do! This is one that's been on my "to be posted" list for a while now...

Jaden and Elijah each have their own favorite "lovie" blanket that they carry around, sleep with, and pretty much keep close tabs on at all times. Getting those things into the washing machine is next to impossible! Finally one day, it just had to be done, so I decided to turn it into what I thought would be a fun experience for all. I let the boys put their blankets in the washer themselves, let them help add the soap, and even let them have front row seating to watch the show. Sounded like a fun time to me!

But Jaden was very, very nervous about it and I couldn't figure out why. Finally he told me that he didn't want his Bear Bear to shrink like daddy's sweater did (Sam had a wool sweater that apparently wasn't supposed to go in the dryer - it went in a size 2X and came out a size 5T...literally)! So poor Jaden was very paranoid and watched that bear like a hawk the entire time just to make sure it didn't come out the size of a cotton ball.

And Elijah...well, let's just say he made that 40 minute wash cycle seem like an eternity! He was mesmerized by the spin cycle for the first minute or two, but after that he was done being separated from his froggy and he wanted him NOW! He cried and cried, but would not let me take him away from the washing machine. See how well my fun plan worked out!
But in the end, two animal blankets were fresh and clean, none were harmed in the process, and two little guys (and their mama) were ready for naps! (And I know you're wondering, so for the record, this was not the first time their lovies had ever had a wash - Just the first time I wasn't able to sneak them away unnoticed).

We Love You, Papa!

This is a precious video that I recorded of the boys wishing Papa Sam well while he was in the hospital. He saw it just before going in to have surgery the Friday before he passed and he was so appreciative of it. It was one of the last things to truly make him smile and I will treasure it forever! (The sound and the video are a little bit off from each other)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sweet Papa Sam

I recently had to take a little break from my blog... On March 28th, our lives were turned upside down as Sam and I found ourselves unexpecteldy standing by his father's bedside offering our final goodbye's. I've attempted to return to my blog several times since then, but it has brought tears to my eyes every time, including now. "Papa Sam" was my biggest blog fan and it breaks my heart to know that he will never again read the words posted here, or that I won't receive another phone call from him commenting on one of my posts or asking when the next post will be added. I could almost guarantee that shortly after publishing any post, I would either receive a phone call or email from him telling me how much he loved reading about his "babies," Jaden and Elijah. He loved his family more than anything and always made that known to each one of us. Papa Sam and was just an incredible human being, often described by others as "larger than life." There is so much that I could say about him, as the memories are endless, but I just can't bring myself to put it into words yet. I miss him so much. For now, I thought I'd honor him and his memory by sharing some of our favorite photos of him.

Sam's family - celebrating Sam's birthday at Cook's in El Paso.

Me and Papa Sam

Papa Sam and his three sisters.

Papa Sam and Shirley - spring break trip to Las Vegas when Sam and I got engaged

Sam's mom and dad with us on our wedding day

One of my favorite pictures with one of my favorite people

Sam and his dad on our wedding day

Sam, his brother Bengy and nephew Ben, and Papa Sam - at our wedding

The whole Cordova clan

Sam and his dad - at a New Year's Eve party in El Paso

Proud grandpa, "Papa Sam" - the day Jaden was born

Papa Sam, Mom, Dad, Sam, Grandma O'Brien, Jaden, me, and Grandpa O'Brien - celebrating Grandma's birthday

Papa Sam admiring baby Jaden

A picture that we always laughed about - Jaden giving Papa Sam the "bird"

Precious picture of sleepy Jaden and sleepy Papa - when Jaden was a baby, my mom and dad and Sam's dad took turns taking care of Jaden each day when I had to start back to work. I came home one day to them both sleeping in the rocking chair by the window

Papa Sam and Jaden - helping Papa blow out his candle

Papa Sam and Jaden - talkin'

Grandpa O'Brien, John, Beto, Jason w/ Jaden, Sam, Bengy, Justin, Sammy w/Lance, Dad, and Papa Sam - Christmas 2007

Sam, Jaden, Papa Sam, and Bengy - at the wine festival

Papa Sam and Elijah - Christmas morning 2009

Papa Sam and Aubrey - Christmas morning 2009

Papa Sam and Elijah - at Elijah's first birthday party

Papa Sam, Sam, and Elijah - at the Space Museum in Alamogordo, NM

Papa Sam and Jaden - at the air show

Papa Sam, Bengy, Me, Elijah, Sam, and Jaden - Family Christmas photo

Papa Sam, Jaden and Elijah - visiting Papa Sam while he was at the rehab hospital in El Paso (one of the last times the boys got to see their beloved Papa)